THINK ANEW !!!!!!!!

Thoughts and Actions, that's what drives me.
Let me share some of 'em with you. Feel free to join in, argue, blatantly disagree.
Lets open, our hearts and minds and THINK ANEW!!!

A Request..

Friends ... If you don't want to reveal yourself, you have the option of commenting anonymously. So, don't restrain yourself...
Let your thoughts burst out...

Wanna get better?

Push yourself

Thats my standard answer to my friends who ask me why I do something which to them doesn't seem worth it..... Like spending hours on problem or playing till absolutely exhausted.

My principle is that unless you reach your current limit you'll never be able to get beyond that and if you want to get beyond that you have to forcefully push yourself... not too much though... Just enough to give you the satisfaction of doing it..... I would say about 10-15% beyond......

Oh... just noticed the status message of one of my friends.... Be all that you can be

which brings to my mind another thought.... People tend to shy away from expressing themselves ,thinking about what their friends and onlookers would think..... But, if you think that it is indeed something that is worth doing or saying, something that you truly believe in , Then fear not.... for friends who do not understand you or doesn't even try to do so are friends not worth having.... It's time time to find others..... Fortunately, most of my "friends" are good ones in this sense and I'm grateful for this..............

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Kerala, India
Think, Think, Think and when you feel you can no more, talk and make others think.

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