THINK ANEW !!!!!!!!

Thoughts and Actions, that's what drives me.
Let me share some of 'em with you. Feel free to join in, argue, blatantly disagree.
Lets open, our hearts and minds and THINK ANEW!!!

A Request..

Friends ... If you don't want to reveal yourself, you have the option of commenting anonymously. So, don't restrain yourself...
Let your thoughts burst out...

When bombarded......

What do you do when the 60 or so of the 68 of your classmates demand that you do what they think is right and the rest 10 are not bold enough to stand their ground?

What do you do when they start talking against you?

Be someone else for somebody else?
Be who you are not?

I don't intend to. My ideals stay strong and I'm not gonna change.

I am who I am. 

Best of ___?

Best of Luck 


All The Best

Do I hear a "what's the difference?" ? 

Think about it. 
A guy (or a girl for that matter) is going to write an exam. Tell him 'Best of Luck' and it implies "you'd need all the luck that you can get to get through this one. I don't think you are good enough on your own to get through with it."

Tell him "All the Best" and you are just wishing that he turns out fine in all respects which implies that "I believe that you are good enough to get through this with your capabilities and may you fare well through this and through the path further ahead".

Most people don't realize the very subtle and yet significant difference between the two and, frankly, most don't care. But, it becomes significant when you say this to someone who realizes it. And, of course, the other way round works too. When someone who realizes this wishes others with these wishes, listen carefully and you'll know what he thinks about them.

Got a problem with this theory of mine. Then bring it on! ;-) 



Those Winter Days : A short story with a twist

"I wonder which  furry little rodent ate my node this time!"
"Ah, there it is! Look, right there on the walkway is where I stood last winter.Winter has always been my favorite. Not very surprising I guess. The days are wonderful and cold. The kids, the snow balls, and the skiers...
Have I told you? Once, a skier crashed into me and I got so angry that I almost impaled him with my arm! But thought people call us "cold-hearted", I let him go. It was winter! Everyone has the right to enjoy, right?  The nights are colder and sometimes I feel lonely. Just standing there all night, all alone, it feels as though I'm no more wanted but the cold day brings good news, its still winter!

Now that we have chilled for so long, let me tell you a secret. Promise to keep quiet about it? Well, last winter I met a girl. Snow had never been whiter, noses never brighter, arms never so branched and girls never so round! She was cold and gorgeous but try as I might, I could never get her to respond . Neither could I get close to her , the hard road kept our cold hearts apart. But I knew it would never last! It never does. We never know where we would end up next winter! Nevertheless, oh, how I wish to meet her again!

I'm glad you cared enough to talk to me. People almost never realise we too have a heart, cold by your standards but ones with feelings definitely. We too feel hurt and happy and just because we love the cold doesn't mean that we don't love just as you do so "warmly". You might see us around only in winter but keep in mind, we are always around watching you.

Hey! hear that bell? That's my buddy coming along. Too bad he has such a short life! Care to buy an ice cream so that I could spend some time with him? Afterall, we snowmen too need friends , you know?

Let Your Heart....

Let Your Heart float in the air,
Let fly your sorrows in the breeze,
Laugh out loud,
N' think of Love!!

Ants - A Magnificent Symbiosis

A Senior Secondary School student returns home.
Nobody's home; All are at work. He lets himself in. Its dark. He's tired after the 15 minute ride in the jam packed KSRTC bus. He sets down the bag and flips the light switch. And there on the white (not so sparkling clean) floor was a thick row of ants.

All marching in unison and yet in chaos. An army ,efficient even without a commander. An army of workers willing to sacrifice for the greater good of the colony. An army of diligent workers who works without complain, lifting weights 50 times their own. Following the strongest scent to the nearest food. Working day and night for the very same purpose that drives all creatures on this planet, to survive.

I had often mentioned my fascination with insects in general and ants in particular. In an article I wrote a while ago, I had promised to write in detail about my fascination and a wonderful symbiosis with ants. Frankly, I had forgotten about this, what with all the college excitement and the topsy-turvy way my life is turning out to be (which is wonderful!)

The scene is set in a wonderful October afternoon. It hasn't rained in while and the sky is at its best blue. A  warm breeze cools the mind after the hectic half-day even though the sun shining down would make easy work out of even the strongest tan. The school was dispersed for some reason by noon......

Apparently, he's lazy as can be. So he lets them be. His attitude, "They mind their business and me mine".

A delicious lunch later, curiosity gets the better of him. He starts tracking down the ants.
"Where are they heading? What's the target? What's for lunch, guys?" After a roller coaster ride past the couch, along the wall, up the edge, above the door and through the window. Oops! That was the wrong way!! He traced back to the couch, and under there was what he was looking for. It was a cockroach. A dead one and already in parts. The ants had already started their work!

A couple of hours later, by evening, all activity died down. By 4.30 pm, there was not a single trace of that hectic and frantic cleaning team. No wonder this secret was not found out earlier!

Of course, the guy is me and this is a true story.

The amazing thing  to note is the fact that the ants come out only when the house is empty. The go everywhere cleaning up the whole house, from dead insects to food crumbs on the floor, everything that one would usually have to take the pains to clean up.

Well, occasionally, there comes up a couple of clashes, mostly due to the "language barrier" but hey! is there any incidence of collaboration where even a slight clash hasn't occurred?

Did I mention that they also helps to keep out pests? Very few insects can match upto a  swarm of ants.working in unison.

In fact, most wise farmers, especially ones with a good traditional backing ( references 1, 2 ) has relied on ants and termites for pest control on their farms. Not only is it sustainable, eco-friendly, literally cost-free , this has been advised by many studies too!!

So, the next time you see a colony of ants marching, just let them be!
Live with Nature 
not against Her,
for you'll be fighting a losing battle right form the beginning!

Indian Republic Day - Proud To Be an Indian!

A Billion people...
Dozens of Religions...
Hundreds of Languages...
Thousands of Cultures...
Even more Outlooks...
Far more Aspirations...
A huge lot more Talent!!

A Blooming economy...
An ever Evolving culture...
A Prospering population...
A geographic Marvel...
A sub-Continent in itself...
The largest Democracy...
A world of Dreamers and Doers!!!

Proud to be INDIAN!!!

Vande Mataram
JAI HIND!!! Forever and ever more!!

My Country,
My mother,
My protector,
My sustainer

I have never been so proud to be an Indian. The warmth of the day still burns and the flag flutters even as the day has almost come to an end. Today, when the united India turns 63 on this 26th of January, the Republic of India has stands proud and unequaled on more than a few aspects. The world does and forever will watch this huge population of diversity as can be seen NOWHERE else,
growing as one,
thinking as one,
singing "Vande Mataram" as one.

India faces challenges faced by no other nation in the world. Its one Billion citizens share not one or two  but 1,652 languages, innumerable cultures having its roots deep in the history and from around the world. A logistical, technological, in fact in all ways, a huge nightmare. Add to that the fact that it is the world's largest active, participative democracy with over 738 million eligible voters employing nearly 7 billion goverment officials as election personnel.
The voice of a billion heard and heeded.
A land Of  the People, By  the People, For the People.

With climate of all ranges, geographic features of all kinds from volcanoes to glacier, from flood plains to the Thar Desert 9th largest in the world, from 5717 km of coast line to 8611 m high mountains, with 3 oceans and thousands of rivers, India has is blessed with all that mother nature has to offer. Vivid views, vibrant biodiversity, a wonderful climate and being able to watch both the sunset and the sunrise from the same spot is definitely thrilling!

Still holding fast to the high ideals of our freedom fighters and the never to be forgotten Mahatma Gandhi, who truly was a "Great Soul", of secularism, peace, love and tolerance. A military strength to be reckoned with and yet one which never wishes to use its might. A technological marvel, which,  even in the face of millions struggling (which is nothing to be proud of),  is forging ahead with a steadfast pace towards even more technological dominance with a space program that is among the best in the world. A space program for the people, technology with humanity as its priority!

Bharath Mata Ki....


This Is ME

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Kerala, India
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