THINK ANEW !!!!!!!!

Thoughts and Actions, that's what drives me.
Let me share some of 'em with you. Feel free to join in, argue, blatantly disagree.
Lets open, our hearts and minds and THINK ANEW!!!

A Request..

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Let your thoughts burst out...

Light some lamps..

Imagine.... A whole village, so remote that they have never seen a power distribution wire, running on solar power!!!!

Well that's what NDTV's "Greenathon" has achieved.... not just one but hundreds of villages in rural India can now enjoy greater freedom and more work hours thanks to the thousands of solar lanterns distributed by them as a part of their LIGHT A BILLION LIVES program.....

This is even more significant as today is DEEPAVALI ,The festival of lights. In the past ,it was celebrated small lights made by lighting a wick in small earthen cups.Even though this is still practiced, nowadays, fireworks has taken the limelight. To me this is so disappointing because I advocated against fireworks because they are immensely polluting and its just like burning away money in seconds.Moreover, the lights are a spectacle to behold..........

Well.... just letting out my feelings.... Anyway...
HAPPY DEEPAVALI to all of you and give those millions who are still in the dark a thought....

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Kerala, India
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