A glass of cold water and now I'm suffering............ a simply superb cough following which a bonus package of body pain!! What else can you ask for??? Missing a quiz which I was supposed to be attending with my team mate!!!!!!!!
What else can I say??/
A glass of cold water!!!!!!!!!!!
A quote and a link...
A long overdue link.... I came across this quote on the blog of my most frequent commenter Revelations Zero.
A wonderful guy....... Do check it out...
And a wonderful message......
Labels: backlink
The other day I was chatting with a friend of mine and she mentioned "proper chat language"
and further explained that its when you don't understand anything......... What's the point of language if the message to be conveyed never makes it across the bridge??????
Labels: communication , language
A common comment!!!!!!!!!
Image by [ r ♥ c e y t ♥ y ] {I br♥ke for bokeh} via Flickr
Labels: friends
Image via Wikipedia
(sorry, a small prologue is essential)
The other day we had to do some high school physics practicals. We were given photostats of the experiments (thankfully) and had only to fill up the values as per our experiments. In the starting there was some confusion about which experiment goes to who and I got one and as is my nature I started doing it as I felt was fit and wrote down with pencil. After all, it was time for experimenting and why not use the time for it rather than wait for our teacher to come and explain and there were no delicate instruments involved.
But then she came by and told me that what I did was wrong and that the readings were wrong.(no surprise and no hard feelings). But then she told that I ought not to do such things, ie. do things on my own but wait for her explanation and that I wasted my time!!!!
I never felt so and will never do so either because every second spent in doing something on your own is a second worth of knowledge and wisdom......
I would like your comment and opinion on this.......... Please......
Labels: education , Experiment , high school , Physics
Ohhhh lost it again!!!!!!!!!
I wish I had at least a 10 minute longer memory...... Sometimes peotry comes to me spontaneously and so it did 5 minutes ago and by the time I'm in front of the computer I forget it!!!!!!!!
I do however remember a line or half.......
......begins a day....
To face all but defeat,
To know all but fear,
To win nothing but hearts.
No.... That's not exactly how it was .... It was better then....
Got to do something about my memory soon...... before I forget about that ;)
The Paradox of Life
The Paradox of Life
The contemporary world races past at lightning speed with technological innovations being introduced by the second and markets suffering losses in billions of dollars by the minute. Men and women working frantically for a better job, greater status. Children studying for hours on end just to get that little extra mark to be on the top. The question arises, "Where are we racing to?"
In this apparent race of life, we tend to forget the more important aspects of life. Developments take place at any cost, even if it means cutting down your life supply, the trees or poisoning your own drink, the rivers. The magic of the nature that prevailed for billions of years are at a threat of destruction in a few decades. The beauty around us goes unnoticed, the language of nature forgotten and its lessons unheeded.
The concept of knowledge, wisdom and teaching also seems to have taken grievous turns. The world of a child seems to revolve around the marks he scores for a test or his ability to perfectly recall, word by word, the content of his textbooks. However, we forget that life is not about scores or text books but about living together and supplementing others as much as you can. After all, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Emphasis on exams too has dealt a serious blow on the knowledge or rather wisdom gained by a student. The often hectic schedules of exams means that students are dragged along with the flow or dropped off. Those who do manage to hold on often are not able to grasp the concept or message conveyed completely and to contemplate on the same. Children are taught from as "exam point of view" and as this syllabus often has to be strictly adhered to, many of the doubts that come across a child's dynamic mind never find a window of opportunity to be expressed and are put off and so is his natural inquisitiveness.
Younger children are often made 'disciplined'. Certainly, a basic concept of courteousness is essential but beyond that, if a child is bound by customs and 'civility', his natural infinite curiosity on everything will be extinguished. As somebody said, "the greatest achievement of man would be to keep his childish curiosities throughout life" and certainly such and man is sure to succeed in any field that he lays his hands on.
Another related unapparent "flaw" present today, as expressed by the "revolutionary" new teacher in the movie, "Dead Poet's Society" is the "Dangers of Conformity" referring to the tendency of men to 'go with the flow'. Nobody questions the system, until an observer often from outside the system questions it. Once in the flow, one is either unaware of its flaws or are reluctant to express them for fear of retribution and this is one of the reasons for corruption, inefficiency and often unjustifiable traditions. The great men that we often recall from the history and praise have all gone "against the flow". They dared to think beyond what was taught to them and dared to talk about it. Every single famous personality of the past brought to our by few moments of recollection would have at least one revolutionary deed or a concept ,completely unimaginable at the time, to present to the world in their quiver. From the times of Plato and Archimedes to Albert Einstein, Mother Theresa and Abraham Lincon, the examples are numerous. They all have realized that what one is told or taught in not always true or right. The mistakes of the past must not be carried on must be mended. And the first step to that is to find out what is to be mended and this can only be achieved by questioning that which is known.
These concepts have often caught the imagination of many great poets, an example of people who did not forget to take their imagination when they embarked on the journey of life. "The road less travelled by" in the the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost talks about the same. It may be harder to trudge along the road less traveled but would give one the satisfaction of fulfilling desires and trusting oneself and of course of doing something different form the monotony of the ages.
This leads us to another often mistaken and controversial concept, Success. The question, what is success would probably yield as many different answers as the number of people it is asked to but most of them would probably hint that a good job, high status, wealth and fame as their idea of success. And this is what many educationists are trying for their 'disciples' to achieve. However, in my opinion, as is of many others, success should not be attributed to wealth but to satisfaction, the satisfaction that you have done what seems right to you and that you ave contributed to the world. This view of success not only stops you from trampling over others in the frantic race to the mirage but also gives you a particularly pleasant peace of mind and contentment.
To the question," What is the solution to all these problems?", the only apparent answer is to be aware of what one is doing as the saying goes"Look before you Leap". Think for oneself about what others have said, oppose what is not right, learn from the nature, choose your own path, if need be make one, and above all , Think Anew!
PS. If you find any mistakes,spellings or otherwise, please do tell me.Also, feel free to critisie any point I may have put forward or have omitted.Hope you like it.If you do please tell others about it too.
If you are a regular reader of this blog, then you might find the essay has many already mentioned points........ and this post being my longest is long overdue......
A Prologue
Just wanted to mention the circumstances of the essay that I'll soon be posting.
Two of my favorite topics are science and then as suggested by this blog... thinking.
The other day we got an English assignment.... "Write about anything other than science"
Obviously ,the essay is 'different'.I wonder what her reactions would be.But she already knows that I'm a bit "eccentric". ....
Well anyway expect it in a day or two... I still haven't found time enough to type in the full five pages that we had to write.........
Labels: Essay
A Thinking Essay
Easier thoughts
I just added a new chat box widget hoping to make it easier for you readers and thinkers to express yourself......... So feel free, its easier to think now!!!
Labels: think
An absolutely beautiful site.Wonderful posts.... TRY IT
Need comments on this comment
The other day ,I was just surfing and came across this post and I couldn't resist post this comment
In my opinion, parents tend to be over protective of children.In the past,as far as I have observed , children were let of on their own and they managed just as well and as an added bonus they develop life skills. But be overprotective and the consequences are not so happy…. In my opinion..
Please tell me what you think..............
A perfect world?
A Perfect World
Not something that we hear rarely but I just read that statement on a blog I was browsing and something struck me....
What is PERFECT?
In fact ,nothing is perfect. Something is perfect only as long as something better comes out .Until then ,it was the best known , so it was "perfect" .But once something better is known ,then wornt that become perfect.
Coming to the world, now we may be unhappy with some aspect of life,maybe standard of living, nut if for some reason our standard of living increases to our expected level we raise the expectations to an even greater level. So where is PERFECT?
So, dont expect perfect .... its not logical!!!
Labels: Perfect World , Standard of living
Life's greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved.
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
You'll be happy only if you realise you are worth being happy.......
After all happiness is an emotion and state of mind and it is something that we make of ourself.....
So BE HAPPY........ its ONAM and Happy Onam wishes