now that i have finished my classes here's another list
but this ones not really that universal in language but it is in ideas
i' m still thinking as to how i should present it here.. it is a Malayalam poet that we learned ..... greatly sarcastic and critical(indirectly)
its called "Vazhivettunnavaroode" translated to "to the ones who pave the path" or something like that by N N Kakkade
The poem asks the man who is preparing to start his consider rightly to choose The path taken by the masses and not to pave a new one!!!!the reason??? its easier....its been Travelled over and over again by the many millions of the world who preferred to follow that old path shown by their forefathers.Then he( N N Kakkade) tells why it is a bad idea to pave the new path ........ you have to overcome countless forest demons ,a river so strong that just touching it would cut you ,poison breathing and fire spitting demons and rivers of fire and poison......and enduring all this if one succeeds in paving the new path the society would welcome him during the day but when ha day darkens he will be sacrificed to the KALI, the goddess of havoc( not very sure of that).The so called followers would also place a memorial and would perform special rites in "memory "of their leader and the BEST part is they would even ensure that the new path does not get contaminated by preventing all form using the path!!!!!!!!!!
The poem in this form does not seem impressive and I'm no authority to properly translate it but this is the abstract .The most interesting quality of this poem is that it portrays the REAL character of our society....its crooked and restrictive nature
If someone wants to change something , they would first try to get on his good side and would try to persuade him gently to back away and if that does not work and if that person succeeds in his mission....sometimes even spending his whole life for it...........then the world would uphold him for while and then after a while would forget or even work against him......
PS :just a thought ,if you notice me using 'he','him' etc. frequently please understand that this is not due to any fact I'm a feminist.........hence not downgrading anybody.........its just because 'he' is shorter to type than 'she' even though its just a single letter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If any body finds a link to the poem please let me know.........and also translation
Its simply a great poem and appealing to my ideals........
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