THINK ANEW !!!!!!!!

Thoughts and Actions, that's what drives me.
Let me share some of 'em with you. Feel free to join in, argue, blatantly disagree.
Lets open, our hearts and minds and THINK ANEW!!!

A Request..

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Today being in India our school like most others asked the students to spend sometime as "service day".In our case 1 hour.
Each class was assigned a particular area and ours was a region filled with grasses behind our school.the teachers too joined us for the event.
But as always i was disappointed by the attitudes of the teachers and the largely ignorant students.
Only a few maybe 1 or 2 of my schoolmates were worried about the activities of the day.
Every year no matter how much more is learned every year,the students and even more sadly the teachers who are supposed to lead us remain largely ignorant of what exactly is top be done!!!!!!!!
Everyone loves plucking all the grasses, all the plants but none are worried about the numerous plastics,including toffee wrappers,bottles and covers that are spread all over the campus the students who are so keen on taking out the plants after exerting so much force are not able to pickup these fore mentioned plastics!!!!!

Why are we not able to ask Why???/
Why are we just blindly following our orders???????
Why are we not bothered about our only home?????? THE EARTH
Why are we just blindly following our orders???????
Why are we not bothered about our only home?????? THE EARTH

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Kerala, India
Think, Think, Think and when you feel you can no more, talk and make others think.

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