The other day we had this wonderful discussion during our English class about the
"Price Of Success" and surprisingly a lot of points came up.
To me ,success should not dictate the means or the end but only the goal.It should never coerce you to deviate from your moral, ideals and virtues and such a success is not worth achieving.I feel that the reason we hear that many are not successful can be attributed to two factors
1)They do not have a fixed,exact goal
Unless you have a target to achieve you can never complete a mission.Many do not have that distinct,steady target to aim for and thus they would never succeed in getting it simply because it does not exist.
2)What is success????
Success should not be defined by others but by your level of satisfaction.Many tend to measure success by what people think about you,but rather success is how satisfied you are with your current position.It is indeed the thirst for more that drives people to betterment.But beware,don't turn into a maniac!
Oh ya..........something a bit different......nowadays ,our English classes are turning into something more than just that old boring class.Now its lively with all kinds of discussions and ideas.Its fun,in short.
Price of Success
Thoughts by
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Labels: English , fun , reason , satisfaction , success
3 Thoughts:
Success is achievement of your goals, thus different for everyone.
Great post!
I like your blog, I would suggest getting your own domains and seeting up a wordpress blog.
just an idea;)
Diggy -
Whoops,noticed the spelling errors, sorry:)
Thank you Diggy for your comment
I get the idea of getting a domain but does taking a wordpress blog have any particular advantages?
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