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Insects and creatures...............

Something I still don't understand is why people are so very afraid of insects and other "Dangerous Creatures" like bugs ,spiders.........

In fact, it is so difficult to prove to people that handling most creatures isn't fatal as long as you don't hurt them.......Isn't that so even with people???But it is indeed possible to do that - by example........
At my old school,i had convinced most people that i wont change to anybody's wish unless I feel to do so and of course,I whole-heartedly welcome all criticism :)

(thank the auto-save.........but its soooooo difficult to get the stream of thoughts back once lost :()

Oh ya........It was this one particular incident that prompted me to write this post....The fact that its monsoon here and that our class is surrounded by much plants means that there are lots of caterpillars around......In fact ,the second day itself ,I was observing and handling one and there was only one or two it the class and he made a commotion of it.Feeling that revealing y CRAZINESS so early was not good ,I quietly suppressed.But then the very next day,one of those crawled along the window during a class and the girls and even the boys around there started screaming (Poor fellow,I wonder what it would have felt!!!!!).The problem was solved when our teacher got something to flick the poor thing outside.....

But the root cause still remains!!!!!!!! Most are afraid of most insects,many even of the beautiful damsel of the insect world ,the butterfly.Don't believe me?

Next time notice if someone screams when one lands on them.(does not affect all).
I believe that the reason is due to the lack of info and the fear that all insects are harmful which stems from this ignorance.

Hope people are more aware of what is safe to do and handle so that they will do so and desist from unnecessarily killing them .........Keep the world PRISTINE........

1 Thoughts:

Kekibird June 24, 2009 at 11:42 PM  

Don't you love it when a quiz actually gets it right? :o)

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Kerala, India
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