THINK ANEW !!!!!!!!

Thoughts and Actions, that's what drives me.
Let me share some of 'em with you. Feel free to join in, argue, blatantly disagree.
Lets open, our hearts and minds and THINK ANEW!!!

A Request..

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Nature's Intricacies

Here are a couple of shots I took with my new camera. This fly is so small that even after getting as close to it as i can and zooming in to the maximum, I could not get it big enough. So, I had to crop it and zoom it to make it easier to view.

Notice the tiny hairs on the wings. Those are what really interested me.
Sadly, I dont know it's name. I have submitted it to but in the mean time, if anyone could help me identify it, you are most welcome and all help would be acknowledged.

2 Thoughts:

Mia Dela Cruz-Soriano March 14, 2010 at 4:12 PM  

what is that thing? i've never seen anything like it.

Diff.thinkr March 14, 2010 at 4:39 PM  

Neither have I before this.
I haven't a clue what it is, so I've submitted it to and hopefully I'll get a reply.In the mean time, if any of you are aware of any resources I could turn to for the matter, all suggestions are welcome :)

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Kerala, India
Think, Think, Think and when you feel you can no more, talk and make others think.

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