Yesterday was my previous school's Annual Day, and even though I'm formally no more a part of it, we, my friends and I feel a sense of belonging to it.
Personally, I feel a deep sadness within me to see that wonderful school facing off with almost certain disdain, unless some action is taken, a strong hand with a kind and innovative heart is in need!! The some of the best of the teachers moved away and the even though the quality of programs haven't suffered much, the quantity has. It was a pride for me that they were able to ensure that most students, even the untalented ones like me would get a chance to get on stage and be a part of it. I do agree the school was only growing then, but it still is, and I feel that they should seriously try to stick to this, after all, its the students and their development that matters, and its their school, right?
Another fact that I noticed was the lack of maintenance. The little pool in front of our school was not cleaned. I was hoping they would do so at least for so big a function. It was in a pitiful condition when I went there for the Christmas celebrations, but now its far worse...
I had been thinking of writing an artcile abut "The markers of a good institution" and this has certainly fast-forwarded it. Expect it soon...
However, above all, I had a great day with most of good and dear old friends and the experience was great although, there are certain things that I cannot share with you ;)
See you soon....
A Great day and some disappiontments...
Thoughts by
Sunday, February 7, 2010
4 Thoughts:
I think that is why I use Firefox.I have issues with Chrome as well.
You've spoken your heart. I can relate with your thought as I felt the same thing when I visited my old school some years back.
By the way, I liked your blog for the simplicity of the thoughts. But (that is, if you wouldn't mind me saying so) you need to improve your language. Your wonderful thoughts are getting lost between a medley of random words.
Thank you Ekanthapadhikan , you are the first one to actually criticize me on this blog and I hope there are more like you out there. I really will try to take that into count the next time I write.
Oh dear, dear Diff. Thinker,
So nice to hear from you. Yes. My profile says "A Bohemian by heart and soul". And by Bohemian, I didn't mean that I'm from Bohemia. As such there is no place by that name. Wikipedia says, "is a historical region in central Europe, occupying the western two-thirds of the traditional Czech Lands, currently the Czech Republic and with its capital in Prague. In a broader meaning, it often refers to the entire Czech territory, including Moravia and Czech Silesia, especially in historical contexts, such as the Kingdom of Bohemia".
'Bohemian' has another meaning - "Bohemianism is the practice of an unconventional lifestyle, often in the company of like-minded people, involving musical, artistic or literary pursuits, with few permanent ties. Bohemians can be wanderers, adventurers, or vagabonds." (Courtesy: Wikipedia).
To know more about Bohemianism, check up the Wikipedia.
I'm very much a native of Trivandrum, a Mallu which the other Mallus find it difficult to accept 'coz I'm a Bohemian!
Thanks for your interest in me. We'll get to know each other better as the days pass by.
Ekan aka. Ekanthapadhikan
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