THINK ANEW !!!!!!!!

Thoughts and Actions, that's what drives me.
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A Request..

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Independence day,friends and teachers

Happy Independence Day,(a bit late,oops).

It was a wonderful day (in more than a way).Well,I went to my old school for their celebrations, met a good number of my DEAR old friends and my teachers (some better than the others) and sure enough criticized some things :)

Some things are hard to take in and for me hearing the National Anthem sung even slightly wrongly seems seriously wrong.And so I did express it.Wonder what they thought of it!

And then later ,when I was just coming out of a pocket road near my house , suddenly I was filled with an emptiness , on thinking I found that a patch of trees (a very thick one) was cleared to make way for construction.Made me think "Where is India heading to?" It just felt so bad.........

However, the had its share of happiness ;)

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Kerala, India
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