A mail I got said ...........
And these words really struck me......
Work as if you have no need of the money.
Love as if nobody ever made you suffer.
Dance as if nobody is watching you.
Sing as if nobody is hearing you.
Live as if the Paradise were on this Earth.
Image by Reinante aka Benquerencia via Flickr
Working not for money but for satisfaction rewards itself so much better and I'm sure nobody can make you unhappy ..........
Loving as if nobody made you suffer (I wish I could do that.....) is tough but better..
Let yourself loose...... express yourself........do what you think is right withour regarding others "opinions"..(but heed them)
Live your life to the fullest........
2 Thoughts:
Sorry ..... I had to redo the post because the of some formatting problems..........
Here's a comment left by
Revelations Zero July 25, 2009 7:05 PM
Good words to live by, but easier said than done. Especially the "Love as if nobody had made you suffer".
Here's the link http://revelationszero.com/
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